I wanted to share with you some news concerning notification of DAT members during a disaster in our county. We are moving from our current method (manual telephone callout) to an automated notification. We have selected and are currently testing/implementing a web based Emergency Notification System (ENS). During a disaster we will have the ability to send an automated message to your home, work and/or cell phone number (24x7). The message will provide information such as:
1. Type of disaster/response (ex. House Fire)
2. Address/location of scene (ex. 123 Maple Avenue Purcellville, VA next to the 7-11)
3. General Information (ex. family 2 adults & 2 children, no pets displaced by fire).
4. On scene Red Cross contact (ex. Jon Doe, 703-123-4567)
5. Instructions when arriving at the scene (ex. Report to the Incident Commander or the Battalion Chief).
What makes this system unique is you will have the choice of whether or not to respond to a disaster (based on your availability) by pressing a telephone number key (ex. 1-Yes, 2-No) indicating your response status. This new system will notify you of all of the Chapter’s disaster responses in Loudoun (average 1-3 per month) and the ability to respond to as many as you want.
To add you to DAT please let me know the best number (cell # preferred) to contact (manual telephone callout) you at and your current availability (days or nights & weekends).
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