Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Townhouse Fire, 12/29/09
Firefighters Rescue Four from Wind-whipped Fire|ABC 7 News
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Ride for the Red 2009
After grabbing breakfast, the first bikes soared out of the parking lot of the Leesburg Moose Lodge around 9:00 a.m. The volunteers in charge of cooking up lunch started to work, and by the time the bikers came back, subs,and barbecue were available. Riders had the opportunity to get poker hands stamped at the various rest stops, with judging done after the Ride. With one ace high hand, the first person up snagged a Garmin GPS unit designed for cycles.
The day ended with raffles and a 50/50 drawing. And the announcement for the Ride for the Red 2010: the first Saturday in October. Make plans to join us... And scroll down for some pictures of the event.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Car Wash... At the Car Wash...
Our first attempt at a car wash was rained out in June... But, the day was sunny, no clouds, and rather hot on August 8 for our 2nd attempt! Lots of suds, lots of water, and a bullhorn meant that there was a decent number of cars to wash.
The chapter raised several hundred dollars. We'd like to thank Chick-Fil-A in Sterling for the use of their parking lot for our car wash... And to remind everybody that you should "honk if you love chick'n!"
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August Disaster Action Team Meeting
Read on to find out...
Our DAT monthly DAT meeting had Dr. Joe Sciuto, Senior Director of Emergency Preparedness for the National Capital Region speaking to the Loudoun volunteers. Those in attendance learned about the "One Red Cross" initiative, which is designed to encourage community and regional chapters to work together, along with giving the volunteers more of a leadership role. Joe shared volunteer opportunities with both the Regional Disaster Services Committee (RDSC---not to be confused with the RDCC) and the Regional Disaster Communications Center (the RDCC... confusing isn't it??). He also answered questions from volunteers about preparedness for H1N1, and how the new One Red Cross opens up opportunities for those in the National Capital Region to work with volunteers from chapters in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and Baltimore.
Oh, and if you're still waiting to know what all of those things had in common...
Starbucks graciously donated the coffee, scones, doughnuts and croissants. The youth volunteers in the picture with Joe purchased cookies for the meeting at a local grocery store after going out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant that serves vegetarian food! Thanks to Starbucks for the wonderful pastries!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
National Night Out
Saturday, July 25, 2009
First Aid, CPR & WalMart
Volunteers attending the class said it was one of the best they had ever participated in, so kudos to our instructor who volunteered her time. Make sure to check out the pictures...
Monday, July 20, 2009
What We Learned at Kings Dominion
- Fudge is best when shared.
- Funnel cake should not be eaten while operating a Red Cross vehicle. If you must please finish your cell phone call and/or text message first.
- Moose are cool but don’t make good pets.
- Loudoun is spelled with a U!
- The top speed of the ERV is 12O MPH, Shelter Response Truck is 105 MPH*.
- Tofu is not served at Hardee’s or Taco Bell.
- Do not leave the adult volunteers in the chicken-free parking lot of restaurants.
- Don't forget the ice!
- If the sign says, "You will get wet on this ride.", you will probably get wet on the ride.
- Perfect weather cannot be ordered in advance. You just get lucky as we did.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Youth Happenings at the Chapter
The students from the Extra Mile have also been hard at work this summer scanning the chapter's archives (which date to the chapter founding in 1917!), and trying to help organize some of the disaster services paperwork. And the students from Mission Possible not only washed the Shelter Truck for us, but performed more than 800 hours of community service in Loudoun County last week! The members of Mission Possible received a tour of the chapter, and learned about what the Red Cross does to help. Staff at the chapter also appreciated the mini brownies, the flowers, and the card the group brought.
Thanks to ALL of our volunteers for your support!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Shelter Response
On July 10, the chapter worked with Loudoun County Family Services and the Office of Emergency Management to stage, and set-up a shelter. The request was in response to the hostage situation in Leesburg that had started earlier that day.
When asked about the response, David P. Chesler, Director of Emergency Services, said that, "Disasters aren't planned. They just happen. I'm very proud of all of our volunteers that changed their plans to help us help the community." You can read an interview David participated in with the Loudoun Times here.
In order to staff the shelter, volunteers were called into the chapter starting around 6:30 p.m. At that time, volunteers worked to load the chapter's Emergency Response Vehicle with Heater Meals, and bottled water. Volunteers also used knowledge learned during drills to hook up the chapter's shelter truck & trailer. Each shelter trailer can serve 100 people once opened and contains cots, blankets, necessary paperwork, and other materials. The video shows the volunteers working to hook the trailer to the truck:
The chapter had volunteers on stand-by should the shelter go into the overnight hours. The chapter would like to thank the Safeway on King Street in Leesburg for their donation of a gift card which was used to purchase ice for the shelter workers, clients & emergency personnel, as well as the King Street Roy Rogers for their readiness to donate 50 breakfast sandwiches & orange juice should those items be needed! Additional thanks go to the National Capital Area Chapter who stood ready to support us with shelter teams and nurses, along with the Regional Disaster Coordination Center, and all of the volunteers who made themselves available!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Townhouse Fire
On July 1, 2009, the chapter responded to a townhouse fire. We were able to assist a large family with lodging, contacting their insurance company, minor health services and information on how to replace important paperwork. The chapter also had Kira, one of our newest DAT volunteers, respond to her first fire on this call.
Additionally, this was the second use of our new Emergency Notification call-out system. The ENS system records a message, which is then sent out to all of the disaster volunteers, and minimizes the amount of time it takes for the chapter to respond.
Additional information on the fire was published in the Washington Post, and in Leesburg Today.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Family Service Show & Tell
Today, the chapter had the opportunity to show off our preparedness for emergencies in Loudoun County. We showed our shelter response truck, and shelter trailer which has 75 cots, 25 bed mats & 150 blankets.
We also had our shortwave radio kit, and 800 Mhz radios. The radios allow us to communicate during a disaster, and to be notified in the event of a disaster that may be requiring our response.
For use in our shelters, along with our sleeping supplies, Heater Meals and bottled water, we now have shelter internet access and a TTY kit. The shelter internet kit allows shelter residents to register on the Red Cross Safe & Well website/Twitter, and the TTY allows our clients who may not be able to speak with their mouths, or hear with their ears, to be in touch with necessary services and friends & family! Such cool disaster equipment!
In all, the event went well! The Loudoun County Red Cross demonstrated that we have a plan, and we are preparing!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Please, sir, we want some more!
Future Disaster Services Volunteer,
This past weekend six new Disaster Services volunteers completed Disaster Action Team (DAT) Camp. That’s brings the number to ten (so far) this year. We have quarterly scheduled DAT Camps (Mar, June, Sept, and Dec) throughout the year. What is DAT Camp? It’s a 20 hour training weekend consisting of five courses. All Red Cross Disaster Services training is free.
What is DAT? Disaster Action Team (DAT) is a team of trained volunteers sent to the scene of a disaster to provide immediate emergency services (ex. clothing, food, lodging, health and mental health services and financial assistance) to individuals, families and workers, 24 hours a day. In addition, we help individuals and families resume their normal daily activities independently. This help may be accomplished by direct assistance or with referrals. All Red Cross Disaster Services are provided free of charge as a gift from the American people. The American Red Cross is not a government agency.
The Loudoun County Chapter of the American Red Cross is in need of additional trained Disaster Services volunteers. We are working to increase our Disaster Action Team (DAT) capacity to respond to disasters in our county. Please contact the Chapter at 703-777-7171 or LCARC@usa.redcross.org.
Get to know us before you need us.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Social Networking & Games People Play
Unfortunately, a bit of a disaster cut the interview short when a thunderstorm took out Magi's phone. At least she knew what to do during the storm... Break out the card games, of course!
You can hear the podcast at this link: http://redcrosspdx.blogspot.com/2009/06/listen-up-listen-in.html
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sterling Apartment Fire
Friday, May 29, 2009
Get Ready
Earlier this week, a Daisy Troop learned what they should do to be prepared when David Chesler, Director of Emergency Services, taught them about building a kit & having a plan.
And, during the winter, local Boy Scouts helped the chapter get ready by inventorying disaster supplies at our off-site storage location. Thanks to all of the wonderful youth volunteers that are making sure THEY are ready when you need us!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saying Thanks
Friday, May 15, 2009
Social Media is EVERYWHERE!
heyzap.com - embed games
without leaving the comfort of your own home?
Monday, May 11, 2009
New Call-Out Procedures for Loudoun DAT
I wanted to share with you some news concerning notification of DAT members during a disaster in our county. We are moving from our current method (manual telephone callout) to an automated notification. We have selected and are currently testing/implementing a web based Emergency Notification System (ENS). During a disaster we will have the ability to send an automated message to your home, work and/or cell phone number (24x7). The message will provide information such as:
1. Type of disaster/response (ex. House Fire)
2. Address/location of scene (ex. 123 Maple Avenue Purcellville, VA next to the 7-11)
3. General Information (ex. family 2 adults & 2 children, no pets displaced by fire).
4. On scene Red Cross contact (ex. Jon Doe, 703-123-4567)
5. Instructions when arriving at the scene (ex. Report to the Incident Commander or the Battalion Chief).
What makes this system unique is you will have the choice of whether or not to respond to a disaster (based on your availability) by pressing a telephone number key (ex. 1-Yes, 2-No) indicating your response status. This new system will notify you of all of the Chapter’s disaster responses in Loudoun (average 1-3 per month) and the ability to respond to as many as you want.
To add you to DAT please let me know the best number (cell # preferred) to contact (manual telephone callout) you at and your current availability (days or nights & weekends).
Sunday, May 10, 2009
House Fire: Ashburn, VA 05/10/09
This morning the Loudoun County Disaster Action Team responded to a single family fire. While the team was not asked to provide monetary assistance, they were able to support the family as they started mapping at a plan for the future. The DAT team supported the family as they worked with the fire department, and their insurance company.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Introducing the Loudoun Red Cross
Name: Loudoun Red Cross
Birth Date: 3/9/1917
Birthplace: Leesburg, Virginia (Loudoun County)
Age: 92
What is a typical work week like?
A typical work week for me is Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. But, because we help people affected by disaster, and provide training in first aid, and CPR, we are often open well into the evening. A lot of times, nobody turns off my lights until after 7:00 p.m. And, there are times that people come back at 3:00 in the morning!
What motivates you to continue this job?
Well, I like helping people. I love watching teenagers get trained to babysit young children safely, and to use CPR or First Aid! I'm also happy to provide a little bit of a haven when people have had a fire or other disaster. Since I have electricity, I can almost always offer a bottle of cold water or a cup of coffee. People drop in all the time to ask questions about disasters or to volunteer. I'm especially happy when we have a lot of volunteers together in one place.
What hobbies do you have?
I like to teach first aid and CPR. I also like to talk about babysitting, and fire safety. I'm very outgoing, so I love going to events around Loudoun County. Just recently, I was invited to the Leesburg Flower and Garden Show, which was a lot of fun. I also go to a lot of parades, and sometimes, I get to go to Washington, D.C. Oh, and I recently started talking to my friends on Facebook.
Who is your favorite historical figure?
I bet you're expecting me to say Clara Barton, aren't you? I also like Commodore Wilbert Longfellow, who pioneered our water safety courses, and Woodrow Wilson, who was the first honorary President of the American Red Cross. So, I'm not sure that I have a favorite historical figure. My favorite people are all the people who volunteer for, and work with, the American Red Cross!
What is your favorite color?
Red... and white, of course.
What is your favorite snack?
I'm partial to cookies and orange juice. We always have those around during blood drives. I also like Heater Meals, especially the vegetarian ones, and coffee.
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I love when people come to visit me.